Selasa, Mac 15, 2011

Pengembaraan Hero

Penulis sempat menyalin semula bahagian ini daripada buku panduan Dummies berkaitan penulisan novel. Berikut adalah butirannya :

In the Hero With a Thousand Faces (Fontana Press), Joseph Campbell suggest that the classic mythic story - what many people, including us, call the Hero's journey - has 12 steps, which are laid out have :

  • Ordinary World - The beginning of the story.
  • Call to adventure - Something happens that require action.
  • Refusal of the call - The hero is someway unwilling.
  • Meeting with the mentor - The hero is offered support.
  • Crossing the first threshold - The journey begins.
  • Test, allies and enemies - The opposition become apparent.
  • The inner care - Getting to the point of the Hero's journey.
  • Ordeal - The Showdown
  • Reward (or seizing the sword) - After the showdown.
  • The road back - The fallout from the showdown.
  • Return with the Elixir - End of story.
Penulis berpendapat lebih mudah memahami ciri-ciri ini dengan mengambil contoh sebuah fiksyen dan mengenal pasti ciri-ciri tersebut. Antara novel yang boleh dijadikan kajian adalah Lord of The Rings.